Tayport moonrise 0041
Tayport moonrise 0041

The moon regularly rises in early evening during the autumn and winter, behind the derelict Pile lighthouse. Unfortunately, even on clear evenings, there can be low thin cloud on the horizon and the moon does not appear until it is too high in the sky to catch it and the lighthouse in the same image when using a long telephoto lens to make the moon as large as possible. I got lucky this time and there were only a few whispy clouds around.

Location: Tayport, Fife

Photographer: Colin Nicol

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Tayport moonrise 0041

The moon regularly rises in early evening during the autumn and winter, behind the derelict Pile lighthouse. Unfortunately, even on clear evenings, there can be low thin cloud on the horizon and the moon does not appear until it is too high in the sky to catch it and the lighthouse in the same image when using a long telephoto lens to make the moon as large as possible. I got lucky this time and there were only a few whispy clouds around.

Location: Tayport, Fife

Photographer: Colin Nicol

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