Rest of UK and Europe

charles bridge towers0118

charles lV statue0120

hradcany night0005

old town night0181

prague old town0094

st michael's church0104

st vaclav statue0151

st vaclav statue0193

victims of communism0074

Albert memorial

Canyon of light0054

North bank illuminations0027

South bank illuminations0025

Canary Wharf0001

Tower bridge0036

Tower bridge0014

HMS Belfast0001

HMS Belfast0041

Cutty Sark0009

Cutty Sark0010

Cutty Sark0013

Greenwich view0023

Millennium bridge0022

Millennium bridge0024

Millennium Dome0034

Westminster bridge0035

Peter Pan0021


Room for one more0028

Still Water0030

Halve Maan0157

Horse fountain0169

Horseman of the Apocalypse0185

Horseman of the Apocalypse0186

Horseman of the Apocalypse0187


Minnewater castle0167


Sint Jans hospitaal0195

Rocky headland0118

Chateau Coastaeres0108

House in the Rocks0053

Houghton mill0002

Houghton mill0011

Houghton mill0045

Winter mist0021

Houghton mill sunrise 500039

Houghton mill sunrise 500057

Houghton mill sunset 500026